
Types of Multidimensional Media

  • Digital Images are organized using pixels, the smallest elements of an image, which are arranged across 2 dimensions (x and y axis).

  • Image resolution refers to the number of pixels, and it is usually given in 2 dimensions (e.g., 800 × 600 pixels).

  • Digital Video is a 2-dimensional or even 3-dimensional type of media.

  • Videos consist of multiple frames stored in 2 dimensions (like images).

  • Videos also have a resolution and frame rate (Frames Per Second).

  • 3D Images or Models are files containing vector data describing spatial information.

  • Rasterization is the process of converting vector graphics into raster images.

  • Various aspects need to be considered when collecting, storing, and managing multimedia files effectively.

  • Recording metadata and using appropriate file naming conventions is important.

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

  • URLs can be a simple means to find a website.
  • URLs can also include additional information which allows a server to change how the webpage is ‘served’.
  • Anchors allow to easily jump to part of the page.
  • URLs also provide the means to use a website as a database which can be queried via the URL path.

Making it FAIR

Principle Key Points
Findability - Available metadata
- Allow for searchability
- Persistent IDs
Accesibility - Use web protocols for access
- Allow for authorisation
- Digital inclusion/exclusion
Interoperability - Data integration
- Overcomes data silos
- IIIF for visual media
Reuse - License content
- Avoid data becoming lost

Virtual Research Environment

  • Multidimensional media requires good management, to underpin collaboration and open access/science processes.

  • Virtual Research Environments (VREs) are collaborative spaces for data-driven research.

  • VREs offer workspaces for secure data storage, mailing systems, forums, and data analytics capabilities.

Retrieving and Curating Multidimensional Data

Interoperable Frameworks

Storytelling with Mutltidimensional Media