Summary and Schedule

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This resource offers a starting point to learn more about the different types of multidimensional media, as well as managing media in a way which promotes the FAIR principles. The resource also introduces the concept of a Virtual Research Environment to support retrieval and curation of multidimensional data for storytelling via interoperable frameworks.

By the end of this session you are expected to be able to:

  • Define the different types of multidimensional media.
  • Recognise the advantages of delivering and retrieving multidimensional content over the web via URLs and PIDs.
  • Reflect on FAIR and CARE principles and their application on digital heritage research data.
  • Understand the usefulness of Virtual Research Environments (VRE) and deploy VREs to support retrieval and curation of multidimensional data for storytelling via interoperable frameworks.

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.

Data Sets

Please make use of your own data, data downloaded over the web or data produced via other training resources. For this resource you will need access to a web browser and some space in your computer to store the data.


For this lesson, you will need access to some paper and pen.

Access to the Culture Digital Skills Virtual Research Environment D4Science is also required.

If you have not registered, it would be useful to do this before the lesson. For more information, see instructions.

The tutorial is built with The Carpentries Workbench, as part of the training activities of the AHRC-funded network service on Digital Skills in Visual and Material Culture.
