Summary and Setup

This resource provides guidance on digital practices to curate interactive experiences through a set of practical exercises. The resource aims to support GLAM’s researchers and practitioners to engage with their audiences through the design of multimedia applications, while making use of appropriate frameworks and tools.

boy in museum
Boy looking at sculptures and listening to audio guide at museum exhibition © by galitskaya under Education License from Adobe Stock

By the end of this session you are expected to be able to:

  • Manage a digital exhibition/experience project.
  • Define users or target audiences through UX and visitor research methods.
  • Design a storyboard for a multimedia interpretative application.


During the tutorial we will use established methods and frameworks to practice how to manage a digital exhibition/experience design project from the stage of its conception to the stage of its conceptualisation through a storyboard.

For these, you will need to access to one of the following resources:

The resource is built with The Carpentries Workbench, as part of the training activities of the AHRC-funded network service on Digital Skills in Visual and Material Culture.
